Review of Nostalgia Ultra

A riveting debut album/mixtape embraced in beautiful samples and soothing vocals.

Miles James
5 min readFeb 12, 2022
Album cover for Nostalgia Ultra

Frank Ocean’s critically acclaimed debut album/mixtape, Nostalgia Ultra, released on February 16, 2011, has to be one of my favorite musical projects to date. The project being Rooted in R&B and pop, Frank Ocean makes excellent use of samples and wraps them in soothing vocals with lyrics that tell a story.

As the title of the album/mixtape suggested, listening to this project gave me a warm sense of nostalgia. Many of the tracks on this project brought me back to times when I first heard the songs that were sampled. In addition to that, the interludes in this album/mixtape are named after popular video games, making references to Street Fighter, GoldenEye 007, and Soul Calibur.

Spanning fourteen tracks, each one brought its own magic to Nostalgia Ultra, and I enjoyed each and every one of them. However, there are a few I want to specifically discuss.

  • We All Try (Track #4) has to be my favorite song on Nostalgia Ultra. From the velvety guitar in the background to Frank Ocean’s aforementioned “soothing” vocals, this song encapsulates a feeling that I can only describe as “euphoric peace.” I found myself returning to this specific song time and time again after my initial listen. We All Try is perfect for late nights, whether that be driving against the night sky, or completing an assignment.
  • Swim Good (Track #10) is another notable song on the project The way the electrical synths and drums mix together is simply entertaining to listen to. On top of that, this song boasts Frank Ocean’s best vocals on the album. However, the real “crème brûlée” of this song has to be the chorus, which adds a piano playing repeated notes that really add to the vocals. Swim Good is a song best suited for morning commutes when you want to wake up, but not too quickly.
  • American Wedding (Track #12) is the last song I would like to highlight. This is another one of my favorites as it samples the song Motel California by Eagles (1976). In this song, Frank Ocean shows off not only his vocal prowess but more importantly, his lyrical work. A closer listen to the lyrics of this song and you can make out a story being told. Frank Ocean tells the story of a wedding with lyrics such as: “It’s just an American wedding, they don’t mean too much. They don’t last enough. We had an American wedding. Now, what’s mine is yours. American divorce.” These lyrics paired with the sample used created an almost cinematic feel, one that really engulfs you in a painful narrative. American Wedding is a song that should be listened to when you’re in deep thought and want to daydream.

While We All Try, Swim Good, and American Wedding were my favorite songs on Nostalgia Ultra, I want to once again reiterate that I enjoyed all of the tracks. As I said before, every song has its bit of magic to it. I truly believe there is something for everyone in the album/mixtape.

Promotional tracklist for Nostalgia Ultra (1/2)

Now, on a more expansive note, I want to talk more on the stories found within Nostalgia Ultra’s alluring lyrics.

  • The song Novacane (Track #3) tells the story of a dental student who uses local anesthetic recreationally and pays for her studies by “doing porn in the Valley.” Cruising atop the aforementioned “velvety guitar,” Frank Ocean paints a vivid picture with his lyrics by singing; “I took a seat on the ice-cold lawn… She handed me an ice blue bong.”
  • In the song, We All Try (Track #4), Frank Ocean sings about abortion, gay marriage, and religion — “I believe Jehovah Jireh. I believe there’s heaven, I believe in war. I believe a woman’s temple, gives her the right to choose, but baby don’t abort. I believe that marriage isn’t between a man and woman but between love and love.”
  • Nature Feels (Track #14) is laced with sexual energy with lyrics such as; “I’ve been meaning to fuck you in the garden. Breathing so hard, we both could use the oxygen.” A song about the euphoria of physical love, Frank Oceans delves deep into the feelings of intercourse.
  • The song Lovecrimes (Track #7) has background audio from the movie Eyes Wide Shut (1999), and samples the voice of Alice Hadford, played by Nicole Kidman. The vocal sample is of an argument about the privileges of men and the jealousies that surround love.

These are just a few, small snippets of the lyrical narratives found within the tracklist of Nostalgia Ultra. However, I believe there may be a greater narrative to be found within this project.

In 2012 on Tumblr post, Frank Ocean posted a personal and sincere letter to not only his fans but the music community as a whole. In his letter, he announces his sexuality, describing the feelings of his sexual realization. It’s a very powerful, impactful read. Though, what’s important to note is that he talks about a boy he met and their relationship that bloomed.

Now, Nostalgia Ultra predates the release of this letter, though it might not be too far of a stretch to say that some of the songs on this project are connected to his real sexuality. The song We All Try makes mentions to gay marriage with the lyric; “I believe that marriage isn’t between a man and woman but between love and love.”

While small, this may have been Frank Ocean trying to include a part of himself in Nostalgia Ultra. It’s important to note that the music industry has not always been accepting and helpful towards LGBTQ+ artists. Nevertheless, listening to some of the other lyrics brings me to wonder if some of the other tracks are about Frank Ocean’s life and sexuality.

Promotional tracklist for Nostalgia Ultra (2/2)

It’s an understatement of the decade to say that Nostalgia Ultra is “good.” It’s a masterpiece of a musical project, one that I don’t think will be rivaled for a long time. From the beautiful samples laced throughout the tracklist to the soothing vocals that layer them, Nostalgia Ultra has to be one of my favorite musical projects to date.

I would rate Nostalgia Ultra a strong 10/10, and with that rating, I encourage any and everyone to listen to this musical project.

Thank you for reading,

— Miles James



Miles James

I’m a big fan of movies, tv shows, books, and music. Here, you’ll find my reviews on such.